Privacy Policy


Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l. with registered office in Via della Liberazione 48, Casier (TV) as data controller of your personal data (hereinafter “Data Controller”)issue this information in compliance with the European and Italian regulations on the protection of personal data, in order to let you know the purposes and methods of the processing of personal data that you may communicate while browsing this website.

Please note that this information refers only to the Site and not to websites of third parties, possibly reachable by the User through links in it.


Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but that by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify users. This category of data includes, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. This data is used only for the purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. For operational and maintenance purposes, the Site and any third party services used by it may collect System Logs, that is, files that record interactions and that may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

Data provided voluntarily by the User

The sending of e-mail to the addresses indicated on the Site – optional, explicit and voluntary – involves the subsequent acquisition of your e-mail address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any additional personal data communicated. In the Site there are forms of compilation, accompanied by specific information on the processing of personal data carried out and, where necessary, requests for consent: we therefore invite you to read them before proceeding with the use of the form.


In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, the Provv. n. 231 of 10 June 2021, “Cookie guidelines and other tracking tools”, we inform you about the use of navigation cookies on this Site.

What are the cookies.

A cookie is a small file that is sent to your browser and saved on your device when you visit a website such as Cookies allow efficient operation of the Site and improve its performance, provide information to the owner of the Site for statistical or advertising purposes, primarily to personalize your browsing experience by remembering your preferences. The Site uses different types of first-party cookies (prepared and managed by us and third parties (prepared and managed by third parties according to their privacy policy and not under our control): below is an explanatory table

technical cookies (session or navigation)They are used and made exclusively by us to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users and how users visit the site.
functionality cookie
They are strictly necessary to provide services explicitly requested by the user.
analytical cookies first partThey are used and made exclusively by us to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users and how users visit the site
third party analytical cookies (Google Analytics)We have adopted appropriate tools to ensure that the processing with these cookies is carried out for mere statistical purposes.

Enabling and disabling cookies from the Browser.

Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause unsatisfactory operation of the site and/ or limit the service we offer.

Below is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:

Internet Explorer:



Microsoft Edge:



The Data Controller will process your data to facilitate navigation and to provide the services you may request through the forms specially prepared on the Site. Apart from what is specified for navigation data and technical cookies, within the sections of the Site prepared for particular services at your request you will be free to provide your personal data for the purposes indicated in the respective information, but failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain the requested service.


The Data Controller will process the personal data collected through the use of the Site for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and, after the latter, for the times possibly established by current regulations. In any case, for technical/organizational reasons the treatment will last for 30 days from the terms indicated above. For more details, please refer to any information prepared for particular services.


Exclusively for the purposes specified above, all data collected and processed may be communicated by Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l. to internal figures authorized to process in accordance with their respective duties, as well as the following categories of external parties as independent data controllers or external data processors:

  • IT service providers, such as direct marketing, internet service and cloud computing;
  • entities carrying out customer service activities;
  • studies and other entities that provide assistance, advice and services of a legal, fiscal, accounting, economic-financial, technical-organizational, data processing, communication character;
  • subsidiaries, parents, subsidiaries and associates;
  • public authorities and supervisory and control bodies;
  • third-party companies in the context of the acquisition or disposal of the company or a branch thereof.

These recipients, if they were to process data on behalf of Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l., are designated as data processors, with a specific contract or other legal act. The updated list of Recipients of personal data is available on specific request to the data controller Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l. through the methods indicated in the paragraph “Rights of data subjects” below. No data collected on the Site is disseminated.


Your personal data may be transferred, for the purposes for which they are collected, to the United States of America (USA) which is a country outside the European Union. The transfer of personal data to subjects located in the USA will take place exclusively by virtue of the subscription between Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l. and the non-EU recipient of the standard contractual clauses adopted or approved by the European Union Commission (art. 46, paragraph II, letters c and d of the Regulation) To obtain a copy of such data you can contact Gruppo Industriale Tegolaia S.r.l., as indicated in the paragraph “Rights of data subjects” below.


It is your right to ask the Data Controller to access your personal data and to rectify them if they are incorrect, to delete them or limit their processing if the conditions are met, to oppose their processing for legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller, and to obtain the portability of the personally provided data only if it is subject to automated processing based on consent or contract. You also have the right to revoke the consent given for the purposes of processing that require it, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out until the moment of revocation.

To exercise your rights, you can use the form available here and forward it to the following address: privacy@tegolaia.comlastly, we remind you that you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in this field, Guarantor for the protection of personal data (

Last updated: January 2023

This policy may change: we therefore recommend that you check the date of the last revision. Any changes will take effect from the date of publication on the Site, but changes deemed most significant will be communicated to you, where possible (for example, if you were subscribed to our newsletter service).